Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Demonetisaton could bring down interest rates and make dream homes affordable

Projects undertaken by reputed and credible developers in the top eight Indian cities will remain more or less unaffected. This is because buyers who invest in such projects take the home loan route, and all transactions are carried out through legal channels. Hence, the primary market is likely to remain relatively untouched by the radical step. However, home buyers can look forward to better pricing in the secondary or resale market. 

Millennials to drive real estate market in India

82% of the Indian millennials stay with their parents and a large majority look at real estate as a sound investment opportunity, says the report. 25% of these have no intention of leaving the family home, according to the survey on millennials by CBRE Group Inc., the world’s largest real estate consulting firm.

Read more: http://bit.ly/2frAEGX